Javascript Object Functions
[SWIFTUI] Make an API Call and FetchJSON with a network layer
Here I'm creating a simple movie app (one screen) to display the list of movies under "Now Playing" In the Theatres Category. And I'm going to use a networking layer with URLSession class, To make an API call and fetch JSON data. you can create a networking layer...
[Code Logic with Javascript #1] Array with Unique elements
The question is to output an array of unique elements from the given array with duplicates. As I know, we can do this in 2 ways in JavaScript. One way is by using default Array methods, and the other is by using ES 6 feature. First, let us see by using the default...
BIG(O) Notation with Swift
What is BIG O notation? Big O notation is a mathematical notation used to describe the complexity of an algorithm. It gives a rough estimate of how long an algorithm will take to run as the size of the input data increases. There are several types of Big O notation,...
Forced Translate your website (add google translate button)
You can translate the content of your website into several languages using the free Google Translate service. It supports 100+ languages. Let's see how to include google Translate on your website, by adding a few lines of javascript code. [dm_code_snippet...